The opposite side of the world to Vreed-en-Hoop is Batauga, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Continent: South America
Coordinates: 6.809, -58.198
Banda Sea
Exact location on the other side of the world
Coordinates: -6.809, 121.802
Batauga is the closest city to Vreed-en-Hoop's antipodal point (161 km).
The antipodal city to Vreed-en-Hoop is Batauga. This means that, among all the populated locations in the world, the farthest city from Vreed-en-Hoop is Batauga.
The distance from Vreed-en-Hoop to Batauga is about 20,000 kilometers. A direct flight would take around 22 hours, but there aren't commercial routes between these cities.
This table contains the populated locations that are closest to Vreed-en-Hoop's antipode. These are the farthest cities in the world from Vreed-en-Hoop.
City | Country | Distance from antipode | Coordinates |
Batauga, Southeast Sulawesi | Indonesia | 161 km | (-5.588, 122.596) |
Uwa, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 165 km | (-8.297, 121.726) |
Benteng, South Sulawesi | Indonesia | 167 km | (-6.118, 120.461) |
Edo, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 166 km | (-8.310, 121.728) |
Lei, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 166 km | (-8.310, 121.705) |
Cawalo, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 167 km | (-8.312, 121.698) |
Cua, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 168 km | (-8.323, 121.688) |
Natu, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 169 km | (-8.340, 121.741) |
Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi | Indonesia | 173 km | (-5.463, 122.602) |
Pemana, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia | 180 km | (-8.350, 122.321) |
Local time:
Coordinates: 6.8093° N 58.198° W
Local time:
Coordinates: 5.5882° S 122.5964° E
The antipode can be calculated by understanding the geographic coordinates and applying simple formulas. We will use the following variables:
Step 1: Obtain the geographic coordinates of Vreed-en-Hoop
The DMS coordinates are: 6°48'33.4'' N 58°11'52.7'' W.
Calculations are easier by using the decimal format, hence:
LatO = 6.80927°
LngO = -58.19798°
Step 2: Calculate the latitude
LatA = - LatO = -6.80927°
Since the latitude is positive (north direction), the antipode must be negative (south direction).
Step 3: Calculate the longitude
LngA = LngO ± 180° = -58.19798 + 180° = 121.80202°
Since the longitude is negative, we sum 180° to ensure the final value lies between (-180, 180). If it were the other way around, we would subtract 180° for the same reason.
The antipode of Vreed-en-Hoop is located on coordinates: (LatA, LngA) = (-6.80927, 121.80202)
In DMS format: 6°48'33.4'' N 58°11'52.7'' W.