The opposite side of the world to Kaala-Gomén is Boulenouar, Dakhlet Nouadhibou, Mauritania.
New Caledonia
Continent: Oceania
Coordinates: -20.667, 164.400
Continent: Africa
Coordinates: 20.667, -15.600
Boulenouar is the closest city to Kaala-Gomén's antipodal point (118 km).
The antipodal city to Kaala-Gomén is Boulenouar. This means that, among all the populated locations in the world, the farthest city from Kaala-Gomén is Boulenouar.
The distance from Kaala-Gomén to Boulenouar is about 20,000 kilometers. A direct flight would take around 22 hours, but there aren't commercial routes between these cities.
This table contains the populated locations that are closest to Kaala-Gomén's antipode. These are the farthest cities in the world from Kaala-Gomén.
City | Country | Distance from antipode | Coordinates |
Boulenouar, Dakhlet Nouadhibou | Mauritania | 118 km | (21.290, -16.524) |
Nouadhibou, Dakhlet Nouadhibou | Mauritania | 153 km | (20.942, -17.038) |
Akjoujt, Inchiri | Mauritania | 163 km | (19.747, -14.385) |
Nouâmghâr, Dakhlet Nouadhibou | Mauritania | 174 km | (19.356, -16.514) |
Imlili, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab | Morocco | 220 km | (22.656, -15.607) |
Aousserd, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab | Morocco | 247 km | (22.554, -14.330) |
Atar, Adrar | Mauritania | 266 km | (20.518, -13.049) |
Choûm, Adrar | Mauritania | 273 km | (21.288, -13.062) |
Oujeft, Adrar | Mauritania | 277 km | (19.962, -13.059) |
Dar Naim, Nouakchott Nord | Mauritania | 285 km | (18.108, -15.927) |
Local time:
Time Zone: Pacific/Noumea
Coordinates: 20.6667° S 164.4° E
Elevation: 12 m (39 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: Africa/Nouakchott
Coordinates: 21.2897° N 16.524° W
Elevation: 124 m (407 ft)
The antipode can be calculated by understanding the geographic coordinates and applying simple formulas. We will use the following variables:
Step 1: Obtain the geographic coordinates of Kaala-Gomén
The DMS coordinates are: 20°40'0'' S 164°24'0'' E .
Calculations are easier by using the decimal format, hence:
LatO = -20.66667°
LngO = 164.4°
Step 2: Calculate the latitude
LatA = - LatO = 20.66667°
Since the latitude is negative (south direction), the antipode must be positive (north direction).
Step 3: Calculate the longitude
LngA = LngO ± 180° = 164.4 - 180° = -15.6°
Since the longitude is positive, we subtract 180° to ensure the final value lies between (-180, 180). If it were the other way around, we would sum 180° for the same reason.
The antipode of Kaala-Gomén is located on coordinates: (LatA, LngA) = (20.66667, -15.6)
In DMS format: 20°40'0'' S 164°24'0'' E .