Markaz-e Woluswalī-ye Āchīn Geographic coordinates

Markaz-e Woluswalī-ye Āchīn is located at latitude 34.12583 and longitude 70.70778. It is part of Asia and the northern hemisphere.

Decimal coordinates

Simple standard

34.12583, 70.70778

DD Coodinates

Decimal Degrees

34.1258° N 70.7078° E

DMS Coordinates

Degrees, Minutes and Seconds

34°7'33'' N 70°42.467' E

The geographic coordinate system enables any place in the world to be located using its latitude and longitude. The latitude is the position relative to the equator, specifying the north-south position. The longitude specifies the east-west position measured from a reference meridian (usually the Greenwich Prime Meridian). The latitude and longitude of Markaz-e Woluswalī-ye Āchīn have been calculated based on the geodetic datum WGS84.

Map of Markaz-e Woluswalī-ye Āchīn with coordinates

Latitude and longitude of Afghanistan

There are many systems and formats to represent geographic coordinates. The following table matches the equivalence between the most common formats:

System Latitude Longitude
Simple decimal standard 34.12583 70.70778
Decimal Degrees (DD) 34.1258° N 70.7078° E
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM) 34°7.55' N 70°42.467' E
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) 34°7'33'' N 70°42'28'' E

Cities at the same latitude as Markaz-e Woluswalī-ye Āchīn

City Coordinates
Los Angeles, United States 34.05223, -118.24368
Zhengzhou, China 34.75778, 113.64861
Tianshui, China 34.57952, 105.74238
Singan, China 34.25833, 108.92861
Osaka, Japan 34.69374, 135.50218

Cities at the same longitude as Markaz-e Woluswalī-ye Āchīn

City Coordinates
Rājkot, India 22.29161, 70.79322
Jamnagar, India 22.47292, 70.06673
Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan 28.41987, 70.30345
Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan 30.04587, 70.64029
Kokand, Uzbekistan 40.52861, 70.9425