Russia Geographic coordinates

Russia is located at latitude 61.52401 and longitude 105.318756. It is part of Europe and the northern hemisphere.

Decimal coordinates

Simple standard

61.52401, 105.318756

DD Coodinates

Decimal Degrees

61.524° N 105.3188° E

DMS Coordinates

Degrees, Minutes and Seconds

61°31'26.4'' N 105°19.125' E

The geographic coordinate system enables any place in the world to be located using its latitude and longitude. The latitude is the position relative to the equator, specifying the north-south position. The longitude specifies the east-west position measured from a reference meridian (usually the Greenwich Prime Meridian). The latitude and longitude of Russia have been calculated based on the geodetic datum WGS84.

Map of Russia with coordinates

Latitude and longitude of Russia

There are many systems and formats to represent geographic coordinates. The following table matches the equivalence between the most common formats:

System Latitude Longitude
Simple decimal standard 61.52401 105.318756
Decimal Degrees (DD) 61.524° N 105.3188° E
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM) 61°31.441' N 105°19.125' E
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) 61°31'26.4'' N 105°19'7.5'' E

Geographic coordinates - Cities of Russia

City Coordinates
Moscow 55.75222, 37.61556
Saint Petersburg 59.93863, 30.31413
Yekaterinburg 56.8519, 60.6122
Kazan 55.78874, 49.12214
Chelyabinsk 55.15402, 61.42915
Omsk 54.99244, 73.36859
Samara 53.20007, 50.15
Ufa 54.74306, 55.96779
Krasnoyarsk 56.02668, 92.90765
Voronezh 51.67204, 39.1843
Volgograd 48.71939, 44.50183
Perm 58.01046, 56.25017
Krasnodar 45.04484, 38.97603
Saratov 51.54056, 46.00861
Novosibirsk 55.0415, 82.9346
Tyumen 57.15222, 65.52722
Tolyatti 53.5303, 49.3461
Izhevsk 56.84976, 53.20448
Barnaul 53.36056, 83.76361
Nizhniy Novgorod 56.32867, 44.00205

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