Indianapolis Geographic coordinates

Indianapolis is located at latitude 39.76838 and longitude -86.15804. It is part of America and the northern hemisphere.

Decimal coordinates

Simple standard

39.76838, -86.15804

DD Coodinates

Decimal Degrees

39.7684° N 86.158° W

DMS Coordinates

Degrees, Minutes and Seconds

39°46'6.2'' N 86°9.482' W

The geographic coordinate system enables any place in the world to be located using its latitude and longitude. The latitude is the position relative to the equator, specifying the north-south position. The longitude specifies the east-west position measured from a reference meridian (usually the Greenwich Prime Meridian). The latitude and longitude of Indianapolis have been calculated based on the geodetic datum WGS84.

Map of Indianapolis with coordinates

Latitude and longitude of United States

There are many systems and formats to represent geographic coordinates. The following table matches the equivalence between the most common formats:

System Latitude Longitude
Simple decimal standard 39.76838 -86.15804
Decimal Degrees (DD) 39.7684° N 86.158° W
Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM) 39°46.103' N 86°9.482' W
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) 39°46'6.2'' N 86°9'28.9'' W

Cities at the same latitude as Indianapolis

City Coordinates
Beijing, China 39.9075, 116.39723
Philadelphia, United States 39.95238, -75.16362
Tianjin, China 39.14222, 117.17667
Ankara, Turkey 39.91987, 32.85427
Pyongyang, North Korea 39.03385, 125.75432

Cities at the same longitude as Indianapolis

City Coordinates
Managua, Nicaragua 12.13282, -86.2504
Nashville, United States 36.16589, -86.78444
Cancún, Mexico 21.17429, -86.84656
Washington, United States 45.3947, -86.93151
La Ceiba, Honduras 15.75971, -86.78221