Distances from Gent, Flanders, Belgium

Gent is located on latitude 51.050 and longitude 3.717.

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Distances to other cities around the world

Distances between cities Kilometers Miles
From Gent to Mexico City 9,211 km 5,723 mi
From Gent to London 273 km 170 mi
From Gent to New York City 5,855 km 3,638 mi
From Gent to Madrid 1,314 km 816 mi
From Gent to Los Angeles 9,007 km 5,597 mi
From Gent to Santiago 11,844 km 7,359 mi
From Gent to Sydney 16,772 km 10,422 mi
From Gent to Moscow 2,290 km 1,423 mi
From Gent to Melbourne 16,649 km 10,345 mi
From Gent to Lima 10,403 km 6,464 mi
From Gent to Bogotá 8,759 km 5,442 mi
From Gent to Chicago 6,633 km 4,122 mi
From Gent to Paris 263 km 164 mi
From Gent to São Paulo 9,621 km 5,978 mi
From Gent to Buenos Aires 11,263 km 6,998 mi
From Gent to Berlin 688 km 428 mi
From Gent to Tokyo 9,479 km 5,890 mi
From Gent to Rome 1,220 km 758 mi
From Gent to Shanghai 9,050 km 5,623 mi
From Gent to Delhi 6,465 km 4,017 mi