Distance between cities in Ghana

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Distances between main cities

In Ghana, cities are at a moderate distance from each other, with an average distance of 195 km between the 10 most populated cities. The following matrix shows all distances between the main cities.

Accra Kumasi Tamale Cape Coast Takoradi Ashaiman Tema Koforidua
Accra - 202 km 431 km 127 km 188 km 24 km 24 km 60 km
Kumasi 202 km - 312 km 180 km 199 km 207 km 211 km 165 km
Tamale 431 km 312 km - 477 km 508 km 419 km 422 km 371 km
Cape Coast 127 km 180 km 477 km - 61 km 150 km 150 km 155 km
Takoradi 188 km 199 km 508 km 61 km - 211 km 211 km 213 km
Ashaiman 24 km 207 km 419 km 150 km 211 km - 4 km 50 km
Tema 24 km 211 km 422 km 150 km 211 km 4 km - 54 km
Koforidua 60 km 165 km 371 km 155 km 213 km 50 km 54 km -

Longest distances in Ghana

Among the 10 main cities, the longest distance is 508 km, between Takoradi and Tamale. If the group is expanded to the 25 largest cities, the longest distance is between Takoradi and Wa, with 577 km. In the group of the 100 main cities, the longest distance is between Esim and Bawku, with 720 km.

Group From → To Distance
Among the main 10 cities From Takoradi to Tamale 508 km (316 mi)
Among the main 25 cities From Takoradi to Wa 577 km (358 mi)
Among the main 100 cities From Esim to Bawku 720 km (447 mi)

The greatest latitudinal distance (north to south) between two cities in Ghana is from Bawku to Esim, with a displacement of 6.2 degrees of latitude, approximately equivalent to 685 km. The total distance between these cities is 720 km.

In the longitudinal direction (west to east), the greatest distance is from Domaa-Ahenkro to Aflao, with a displacement of 1.15 degrees of longitude, which is approximately equivalent to 449 km. The total distance between these cities is 467 km.

Distances to international cities

International routes from cities in Ghana reach significant distances, such as the 15,712 kilometers between Accra and Sydney, covering a transcontinental connection between Africa and Oceania. Below are some international distances from Ghana.

More distances from Ghana

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