Distance between cities in Mexico

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Distances between main cities

In Mexico, cities are dispersed compared to those in other countries, with an average distance of 829 km between the 10 most populated cities. The following matrix shows all distances between the main cities.

Mexico City Tijuana Iztapalapa Puebla Ciudad Juárez Guadalajara Mérida Monterrey
Mexico City - 2,297 km 11 km 106 km 1,547 km 467 km 1,008 km 702 km
Tijuana 2,297 km - 2,307 km 2,397 km 998 km 1,883 km 2,997 km 1,789 km
Iztapalapa 11 km 2,307 km - 97 km 1,557 km 476 km 1,003 km 712 km
Puebla 106 km 2,397 km 97 km - 1,631 km 573 km 924 km 767 km
Ciudad Juárez 1,547 km 998 km 1,557 km 1,631 km - 1,262 km 2,056 km 899 km
Guadalajara 467 km 1,883 km 476 km 573 km 1,262 km - 1,434 km 638 km
Mérida 1,008 km 2,997 km 1,003 km 924 km 2,056 km 1,434 km - 1,211 km
Monterrey 702 km 1,789 km 712 km 767 km 899 km 638 km 1,211 km -

Longest distances in Mexico

Among the 10 main cities, the longest distance is 2,997 km, between Tijuana and Mérida. If the group is expanded to the 25 largest cities, the longest distance is between Tijuana and Cancún, with 3,235 km. In the group of the 100 main cities, the longest distance is between Tijuana and Chetumal, with 3,259 km.

Group From → To Distance
Among the main 10 cities From Tijuana to Mérida 2,997 km (1,862 mi)
Among the main 25 cities From Tijuana to Cancún 3,235 km (2,010 mi)
Among the main 100 cities From Tijuana to Chetumal 3,259 km (2,025 mi)

The greatest latitudinal distance (north to south) between two cities in Mexico is from Mexicali to Tapachula, with a displacement of 17.72 degrees of latitude, approximately equivalent to 1,960 km. The total distance between these cities is 3,060 km.

In the longitudinal direction (west to east), the greatest distance is from Tijuana to Cancún, with a displacement of 11.33 degrees of longitude, which is approximately equivalent to 2,831 km. The total distance between these cities is 3,235 km.

Distances to international cities

International routes from cities in Mexico reach significant distances, such as the 12,974 kilometers between Mexico City and Sydney, covering a transcontinental connection between America and Oceania. Below are some international distances from Mexico.

More distances from Mexico

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