Distance between cities in Wallis and Futuna

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Distances between main cities

In Wallis and Futuna, cities are relatively close to each other, with an average distance of 89 km between the 10 most populated cities. The following matrix shows all distances between the main cities.

Mata-Utu Liku Alele Falaleu Utufua Vaitupu Akaka Halalo
Mata-Utu - 2 km 4 km 2 km 7 km 6 km 1 km 8 km
Liku 2 km - 3 km 3 km 9 km 5 km 1 km 10 km
Alele 4 km 3 km - 5 km 11 km 2 km 4 km 11 km
Falaleu 2 km 3 km 5 km - 6 km 7 km 2 km 7 km
Utufua 7 km 9 km 11 km 6 km - 13 km 8 km 2 km
Vaitupu 6 km 5 km 2 km 7 km 13 km - 6 km 13 km
Akaka 1 km 1 km 4 km 2 km 8 km 6 km - 9 km
Halalo 8 km 10 km 11 km 7 km 2 km 13 km 9 km -

Longest distances in Wallis and Futuna

Among the 10 main cities, the longest distance is 244 km, between Vaitupu and Leava.

Group From → To Distance
Among the main 10 cities From Vaitupu to Leava 244 km (151 mi)

The greatest latitudinal distance (north to south) between two cities in Wallis and Futuna is from Vaitupu to Alo, with a displacement of 1.08 degrees of latitude, approximately equivalent to 120 km. The total distance between these cities is 240 km.

In the longitudinal direction (west to east), the greatest distance is from Liku to Leava, with a displacement of 1.02 degrees of longitude, which is approximately equivalent to 216 km. The total distance between these cities is 243 km.

Distances to international cities

International routes from cities in Wallis and Futuna reach significant distances, such as the 16,057 kilometers between Mata-Utu and Paris, covering a transcontinental connection between Oceania and Europe. Below are some international distances from Wallis and Futuna.

Distances from cities of Wallis and Futuna

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