Distance from Afghanistan to Democratic Republic of the Congo

The distance between Afghanistan and Democratic Republic of the Congo is 6,395 kilometers (3,974 miles).

Afghanistan, Asia

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

6,395 km

Distance between centroids

4,302 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,664 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Maymana → Kisangani

Distances between Afghanistan and Democratic Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Afghanistan City in Democratic Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Bazarak Kinshasa 7,153 km
Bazarak Lubumbashi 6,827 km
Ghazni Uvira 5,809 km
Balkh Lubumbashi 6,764 km
Kunduz Uvira 6,055 km
Gardez Uvira 5,872 km
Tarun City Matadi 7,453 km
Kandhar Kinshasa 6,653 km
Balkh Uvira 5,922 km
Pul-i-Alam Uvira 5,883 km
Bagolaggo Kinshasa 7,129 km
Mazari-Sharif Kinshasa 7,032 km
Gerat Kinshasa 6,515 km
Kandhar Matadi 6,918 km
Kabul Kinshasa 7,087 km
Pul-i-Alam Lubumbashi 6,696 km
Taloqan Lubumbashi 6,934 km
Mazari-Sharif Lubumbashi 6,774 km
Taloqan Mbuji-Mayi 6,734 km
Kabul Uvira 5,929 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Afghanistan

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Afghanistan to China 3,322 km
From Afghanistan to India 1,849 km
From Afghanistan to United States 11,956 km
From Afghanistan to Indonesia 6,166 km
From Afghanistan to Pakistan 424 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Afghanistan and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Kenya Portugal 6,402 km
Cuba Iceland 6,403 km
Sweden China 6,394 km
China Sweden 6,394 km
Sweden Bhutan 6,393 km
Ethiopia United Kingdom 6,407 km
Sweden India 6,409 km
Sweden Liberia 6,409 km
Slovakia Bhutan 6,384 km
Haiti Mauritania 6,384 km
Haiti Argentina 6,416 km
Netherlands Democratic Republic of the Congo 6,417 km
Netherlands Somalia 6,418 km
Haiti Iceland 6,421 km
Kenya Latvia 6,421 km

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