Distance from Afghanistan to South Korea

The distance between Afghanistan and South Korea is 5,403 kilometers (3,357 miles).

Afghanistan, Asia

South Korea, Asia

5,403 km

Distance between centroids

4,457 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,002 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Taloqan → Incheon

Distances between Afghanistan and South Korea by cities:

City in Afghanistan City in South Korea Distance (kilometers)
Ghazni Changwon 5,457 km
Kandhar Changwon 5,771 km
Charikar Changwon 5,338 km
Mazari-Sharif Busan 5,491 km
Taloqan Busan 5,284 km
Taloqan Incheon 5,002 km
Gerat Seoul 5,737 km
Kunduz Seoul 5,078 km
Tarun City Changwon 5,248 km
Gardez Changwon 5,385 km
Bagolaggo Busan 5,374 km
Kabul Seoul 5,137 km
Kandhar Seoul 5,561 km
Pul-i-Alam Goyang-si 5,157 km
Gerat Busan 5,999 km
Bazarak Busan 5,333 km
Bazarak Seoul 5,076 km
Kabul Goyang-si 5,122 km
Maymana Goyang-si 5,437 km
Maymana Daegu 5,650 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Afghanistan

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Afghanistan to China 3,322 km
From Afghanistan to India 1,849 km
From Afghanistan to United States 11,956 km
From Afghanistan to Indonesia 6,166 km
From Afghanistan to Pakistan 424 km

Other distances from South Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Afghanistan and South Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Cuba Paraguay 5,398 km
Kenya Ukraine 5,403 km
Ethiopia Germany 5,409 km
Moldova India 5,410 km
South Africa Burkina Faso 5,414 km
Kenya Guinea 5,385 km
Papua New Guinea Laos 5,384 km
Moldova Republic of the Congo 5,417 km
Sweden Mongolia 5,421 km
Slovakia Uganda 5,378 km
Moldova Senegal 5,373 km
Slovakia Liberia 5,427 km
Slovakia Republic of the Congo 5,431 km
Papua New Guinea North Korea 5,434 km
Bulgaria Nepal 5,434 km

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