Distance from Antigua and Barbuda to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Antigua and Barbuda and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 7,880 kilometers (4,896 miles).

Antigua and Barbuda, America

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

7,880 km

Distance between centroids

7,680 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Codrington → Velika Kladuša

Distances between Antigua and Barbuda and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Antigua and Barbuda City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Parham Velika Kladuša 7,715 km
Old Road Banja Luka 7,839 km
Bolands Cazin 7,738 km
Falmouth Banja Luka 7,834 km
Piggotts Velika Kladuša 7,716 km
Codrington Sarajevo 7,896 km
Cedar Grove Banja Luka 7,827 km
All Saints Sarajevo 7,934 km
Saint John’s Cazin 7,731 km
Freetown Prijedor 7,786 km
Piggotts Sarajevo 7,931 km
English Harbour Town Brčko 7,960 km
Old Road Sarajevo 7,941 km
Saint John’s Zenica 7,894 km
Potters Village Sarajevo 7,933 km
Potters Village Banja Luka 7,830 km
Carlisle Velika Kladuša 7,715 km
Liberta Cazin 7,733 km
All Saints Velika Kladuša 7,719 km
Swetes Banja Luka 7,833 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Antigua and Barbuda and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Austria 7,879 km
Cuba Denmark 7,879 km
Cuba Ivory Coast 7,877 km
Netherlands Curacao 7,876 km
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles 7,876 km
Uruguay Equatorial Guinea 7,886 km
Sweden Guadeloupe 7,869 km
Kenya China 7,894 km
Costa Rica Sierra Leone 7,897 km
Sweden U.S. Virgin Islands 7,900 km
Kenya Vietnam 7,901 km
Costa Rica Mauritania 7,857 km
New Zealand Brunei 7,905 km
Uruguay Gabon 7,854 km
Costa Rica Iceland 7,854 km

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