Distance from Antigua and Barbuda to Netherlands Antilles

The distance between Antigua and Barbuda and Netherlands Antilles is 948 kilometers (589 miles).

Antigua and Barbuda, America

Netherlands Antilles, America

Distances between Antigua and Barbuda and Netherlands Antilles by cities:

City in Antigua and Barbuda City in Netherlands Antilles Distance (kilometers)

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Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Antigua and Barbuda and Netherlands Antilles.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Poland 950 km
Netherlands Norway 949 km
Moldova Albania 954 km
Nigeria Niger 945 km
Slovakia Italy 939 km
Puerto Rico Barbados 938 km
Kenya Burundi 963 km
Greece Slovenia 965 km
Uruguay Argentina 966 km
Costa Rica Guatemala 969 km
Netherlands Slovenia 970 km
Costa Rica Belize 970 km
Slovakia Latvia 971 km
South Africa Botswana 928 km
Netherlands Ireland 923 km

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