Distance from Antigua and Barbuda to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The distance between Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 454 kilometers (282 miles).

Antigua and Barbuda, America

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

454 km

Distance between centroids

419 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Liberta → Chateaubelair

Distances between Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by cities:

City in Antigua and Barbuda City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Distance (kilometers)
Codrington Layou 494 km
Cedar Grove Port Elizabeth 464 km
Old Road Georgetown 421 km
Bolands Layou 432 km
English Harbour Town Layou 425 km
Freetown Dovers 463 km
Parham Layou 434 km
Freetown Georgetown 422 km
English Harbour Town Biabou 428 km
Codrington Georgetown 488 km
Carlisle Layou 439 km
All Saints Layou 431 km
Cedar Grove Georgetown 436 km
Piggotts Layou 437 km
Saint John’s Dovers 473 km
Swetes Layou 430 km
Liberta Layou 429 km
Liberta Chateaubelair 419 km
Falmouth Georgetown 421 km
Saint John’s Byera Village 435 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Slovakia Slovenia 452 km
Nigeria Cameroon 447 km
Greece Montenegro 453 km
Cyprus Turkey 455 km
Turkey Cyprus 455 km
Equatorial Guinea Sao Tome and Principe 438 km
Sweden Finland 433 km
Thailand Laos 469 km
Cyprus Israel 472 km
Bulgaria Albania 474 km
North Macedonia Bosnia and Herzegovina 420 km
El Salvador Nicaragua 413 km
Slovakia Austria 404 km
Puerto Rico Guadeloupe 499 km
Sweden Estonia 400 km

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