Distance from Antigua and Barbuda to Switzerland

The distance between Antigua and Barbuda and Switzerland is 7,130 kilometers (4,431 miles).

Antigua and Barbuda, America

Switzerland, Europe

7,130 km

Distance between centroids

7,078 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Cedar Grove → Basel

Distances between Antigua and Barbuda and Switzerland by cities:

City in Antigua and Barbuda City in Switzerland Distance (kilometers)
Bolands Zürich (Kreis 11) 7,161 km
All Saints Zürich (Kreis 11) 7,155 km
Old Road Zürich 7,164 km
Freetown Zürich 7,151 km
Potters Village Basel 7,082 km
English Harbour Town Koblenz 7,136 km
Cedar Grove Basel 7,078 km
Old Road Basel 7,091 km
Parham Zürich 7,153 km
Saint John’s Luzern 7,136 km
Codrington Zürich (Kreis 11) 7,114 km
Falmouth Basel 7,086 km
Carlisle Luzern 7,132 km
Swetes Zürich (Kreis 11) 7,157 km
Potters Village Zürich 7,155 km
Falmouth Zürich (Kreis 11) 7,157 km
All Saints Zürich 7,157 km
Bolands Luzern 7,143 km
Codrington Zürich 7,115 km
Freetown Linden 7,083 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Switzerland

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Switzerland to China 7,615 km
From Switzerland to India 6,915 km
From Switzerland to United States 8,031 km
From Switzerland to Indonesia 11,264 km
From Switzerland to Pakistan 5,478 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Antigua and Barbuda and Switzerland.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Belgium 7,131 km
Sweden North Korea 7,135 km
Netherlands Martinique 7,122 km
Netherlands Angola 7,120 km
Sweden Democratic Republic of the Congo 7,120 km
Kenya Malaysia 7,141 km
Netherlands India 7,119 km
Slovakia Maldives 7,142 km
Slovakia Comoros 7,116 km
Kenya Thailand 7,144 km
Netherlands Barbados 7,148 km
Sweden Burundi 7,110 km
Bulgaria Madagascar 7,154 km
China Austria 7,155 km
Nigeria Maldives 7,165 km

More distances from Antigua and Barbuda

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