Distance from Belgium to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Belgium and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 1,237 kilometers (769 miles).

Belgium, Europe

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

1,237 km

Distance between centroids

911 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

975 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Liège → Velika Kladuša

Distances between Belgium and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Belgium City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Charleroi Sarajevo 1,280 km
Anderlecht Velika Kladuša 1,061 km
Brugge Velika Kladuša 1,148 km
Liège Velika Kladuša 975 km
Brugge Cazin 1,172 km
Schaerbeek Banja Luka 1,172 km
Charleroi Banja Luka 1,143 km
Mons Cazin 1,085 km
Beaumont Velika Kladuša 1,032 km
Lille Sarajevo 1,306 km
Antwerpen Sarajevo 1,329 km
Gent Sarajevo 1,360 km
Antwerpen Banja Luka 1,191 km
Namur Velika Kladuša 1,006 km
Anderlecht Cazin 1,085 km
Leuven Velika Kladuša 1,041 km
Leuven Sarajevo 1,291 km
Liège Sarajevo 1,225 km
Nazareth Banja Luka 1,225 km
Beaumont Cazin 1,055 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Belgium

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Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Belgium and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Greece Tunisia 1,241 km
Cuba Nicaragua 1,241 km
Bulgaria Belarus 1,234 km
Ethiopia Uganda 1,250 km
Cuba Puerto Rico 1,227 km
Puerto Rico Cuba 1,227 km
Cuba Belize 1,223 km
North Macedonia Switzerland 1,223 km
China Mongolia 1,222 km
Bulgaria Malta 1,218 km
Moldova Estonia 1,264 km
Netherlands Italy 1,266 km
Sweden Netherlands 1,213 km
Netherlands Sweden 1,213 km
Netherlands Lithuania 1,271 km

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