Distance from Bhutan to Isle of Man

The distance between Bhutan and Isle of Man is 7,881 kilometers (4,897 miles).

Bhutan, Asia

Isle of Man, Europe

7,881 km

Distance between centroids

7,824 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Thimphu → Ramsey

Distances between Bhutan and Isle of Man by cities:

City in Bhutan City in Isle of Man Distance (kilometers)
Jakar Douglas 7,897 km
Samtse Douglas 7,852 km
Mongar Onchan 7,948 km
Punākha Santon 7,847 km
Pemagatshel Ramsey 7,969 km
Punākha Ramsey 7,827 km
Tsirang Ramsey 7,892 km
Phuntsholing Santon 7,882 km
Thimphu Ramsey 7,824 km
Thimphu Douglas 7,836 km
Trashi Yangtse Santon 7,945 km
Wangdue Phodrang Port Saint Mary 7,869 km
Tsimasham Douglas 7,862 km
Trashi Yangtse Ramsey 7,924 km
Pajo Santon 7,853 km
Phuntsholing Port Saint Mary 7,893 km
Pemagatshel Douglas 7,981 km
Tsimasham Santon 7,869 km
Sarpang Lezayre 7,917 km
Samdrup Jongkhar Kirk Braddan 8,010 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Bhutan

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Bhutan to China 1,597 km
From Bhutan to India 1,395 km
From Bhutan to United States 12,824 km
From Bhutan to Indonesia 4,015 km
From Bhutan to Pakistan 2,077 km

Other distances from Isle of Man

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Isle of Man to China 7,931 km
From Isle of Man to India 7,758 km
From Isle of Man to United States 6,836 km
From Isle of Man to Indonesia 11,885 km
From Isle of Man to Pakistan 6,308 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bhutan and Isle of Man.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Austria 7,879 km
Cuba Denmark 7,879 km
Cuba Ivory Coast 7,877 km
Netherlands Curacao 7,876 km
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles 7,876 km
Uruguay Equatorial Guinea 7,886 km
Sweden Guadeloupe 7,869 km
Kenya China 7,894 km
Costa Rica Sierra Leone 7,897 km
Sweden U.S. Virgin Islands 7,900 km
Kenya Vietnam 7,901 km
Costa Rica Mauritania 7,857 km
New Zealand Brunei 7,905 km
Uruguay Gabon 7,854 km
Costa Rica Iceland 7,854 km

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