Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Bhutan

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bhutan is 6,612 kilometers (4,108 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Bhutan, Asia

6,612 km

Distance between centroids

6,343 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,427 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Bijeljina → Punākha

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bhutan by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Bhutan Distance (kilometers)
Cazin Punākha 6,678 km
Cazin Tsirang 6,736 km
Banja Luka Thimphu 6,575 km
Zenica Tsimasham 6,545 km
Prijedor Trongsa 6,673 km
Trebinje Thimphu 6,522 km
Tuzla Sarpang 6,553 km
Sarajevo Punākha 6,510 km
Bihać Punākha 6,687 km
Prijedor Thimphu 6,608 km
Bihać Tsirang 6,745 km
Travnik Punākha 6,558 km
Doboj Thimphu 6,506 km
Sarajevo Thimphu 6,500 km
Mostar Trongsa 6,619 km
Travnik Thimphu 6,548 km
Brčko Punākha 6,457 km
Mostar Punākha 6,563 km
Doboj Punākha 6,516 km
Banja Luka Trongsa 6,640 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Bhutan

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Bhutan to China 1,597 km
From Bhutan to India 1,395 km
From Bhutan to United States 12,824 km
From Bhutan to Indonesia 4,015 km
From Bhutan to Pakistan 2,077 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bhutan.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Cuba Western Sahara 6,605 km
Nigeria Afghanistan 6,604 km
Haiti Sierra Leone 6,617 km
Bulgaria Sri Lanka 6,617 km
Haiti Morocco 6,619 km
Haiti Ireland 6,620 km
Sweden Uganda 6,621 km
Kenya Estonia 6,598 km
Puerto Rico Mali 6,598 km
Ethiopia Thailand 6,598 km
Moldova Sri Lanka 6,596 km
Netherlands Mongolia 6,591 km
Slovakia Angola 6,634 km
Greece Bangladesh 6,584 km
China Bulgaria 6,583 km

More distances from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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