Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Djibouti

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Djibouti is 4,284 kilometers (2,662 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Djibouti, Africa

4,284 km

Distance between centroids

4,050 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

4,191 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Trebinje → Arta

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Djibouti by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Djibouti Distance (kilometers)
Banja Luka Chabelley 4,440 km
Velika Kladuša Djibouti 4,541 km
Trebinje Arta 4,191 km
Tuzla Alaïli Ḏaḏḏa‘ 4,243 km
Travnik Arta 4,353 km
Bijeljina Arta 4,319 km
Velika Kladuša Chabelley 4,547 km
Brčko Chabelley 4,364 km
Cazin Arta 4,506 km
Doboj Arta 4,374 km
Prijedor Chabelley 4,482 km
Zenica Chabelley 4,354 km
Bugojno Alaïli Ḏaḏḏa‘ 4,267 km
Banja Luka Djibouti 4,434 km
Sarajevo Djibouti 4,295 km
Mostar Arta 4,272 km
Bugojno Djibouti 4,360 km
Bijeljina Chabelley 4,334 km
Travnik Djibouti 4,363 km
Bihać 'Ali Sabieh 4,526 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Djibouti

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Djibouti to China 6,697 km
From Djibouti to India 3,998 km
From Djibouti to United States 13,064 km
From Djibouti to Indonesia 8,004 km
From Djibouti to Pakistan 3,439 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Djibouti.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Kuwait 4,282 km
Ethiopia Namibia 4,285 km
Ethiopia Uzbekistan 4,286 km
New Zealand French Polynesia 4,271 km
Bulgaria Burkina Faso 4,269 km
Iran Denmark 4,292 km
Nigeria Austria 4,296 km
Haiti Brazil 4,298 km
Ethiopia Serbia 4,300 km
Netherlands Kazakhstan 4,301 km
Slovakia Afghanistan 4,257 km
Nigeria Mozambique 4,256 km
Greece Equatorial Guinea 4,308 km
Greece Uganda 4,309 km
Ethiopia Montenegro 4,251 km

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