Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Ethiopia

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ethiopia is 4,441 kilometers (2,759 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Ethiopia, Africa

4,441 km

Distance between centroids

3,567 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

3,805 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Mostar → Axum

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ethiopia by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Ethiopia Distance (kilometers)
Tuzla Jijiga 4,539 km
Bihać Dire Dawa 4,633 km
Bijeljina Dire Dawa 4,464 km
Sarajevo Addis Ababa 4,335 km
Trebinje Dire Dawa 4,326 km
Bugojno Jijiga 4,559 km
Mostar Axum 3,805 km
Mostar Dire Dawa 4,408 km
Travnik Dire Dawa 4,492 km
Bijeljina Axum 3,865 km
Cazin Dire Dawa 4,642 km
Tuzla Hawassa 4,576 km
Sarajevo Dire Dawa 4,424 km
Doboj Dire Dawa 4,515 km
Prijedor Axum 4,002 km
Bugojno Addis Ababa 4,395 km
Banja Luka Axum 3,961 km
Doboj Addis Ababa 4,429 km
Brčko Dire Dawa 4,493 km
Bihać Bahir Dar 4,216 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Ethiopia

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Ethiopia to China 7,056 km
From Ethiopia to India 4,317 km
From Ethiopia to United States 13,158 km
From Ethiopia to Indonesia 8,212 km
From Ethiopia to Pakistan 3,808 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ethiopia.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Greece Ivory Coast 4,439 km
Netherlands Iran 4,443 km
Ethiopia Ukraine 4,436 km
Ethiopia Sri Lanka 4,435 km
Greece Kyrgyzstan 4,447 km
Uruguay Venezuela 4,460 km
Cuba Bolivia 4,460 km
Netherlands Burkina Faso 4,467 km
New Zealand Kiribati 4,470 km
Greece Senegal 4,470 km
Kenya Ghana 4,408 km
Greece Pakistan 4,407 km
Nigeria Iraq 4,475 km
Costa Rica Brazil 4,403 km

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