Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Greece

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece is 639 kilometers (397 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Greece, Europe

639 km

Distance between centroids

287 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

446 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Trebinje → Solun

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Greece Distance (kilometers)
Tuzla Volos 675 km
Trebinje Solun 446 km
Prijedor Athens 972 km
Prijedor Lárisa 757 km
Velika Kladuša Athens 1,036 km
Mostar Solun 520 km
Bihać Piraeus 1,002 km
Banja Luka Athens 931 km
Travnik Solun 588 km
Zenica Lárisa 630 km
Bijeljina Solun 549 km
Brčko Solun 578 km
Bugojno Athens 856 km
Cazin Piraeus 1,010 km
Bugojno Alexandroupoli 779 km
Tuzla Alexandroupoli 719 km
Cazin Solun 746 km
Trebinje Athens 696 km
Doboj Solun 603 km
Zenica Alexandroupoli 753 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Greece

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Greece to China 7,030 km
From Greece to India 5,787 km
From Greece to United States 9,431 km
From Greece to Indonesia 10,248 km
From Greece to Pakistan 4,407 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Cuba Haiti 640 km
Haiti Cuba 640 km
North Macedonia Hungary 642 km
Tanzania Burundi 643 km
Kenya Uganda 644 km
Sweden Lithuania 634 km
Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina 646 km
Netherlands Switzerland 628 km
North Macedonia Croatia 657 km
Costa Rica Honduras 661 km
Moldova Slovakia 661 km
Slovakia Moldova 661 km
South Sudan Uganda 618 km
Slovakia Montenegro 663 km

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