Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Guadeloupe

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Guadeloupe is 7,906 kilometers (4,913 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Guadeloupe, America

7,906 km

Distance between centroids

7,755 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Bihać → Port-Louis

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Guadeloupe by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Guadeloupe Distance (kilometers)
Velika Kladuša Trois-Rivières 7,789 km
Bihać Port-Louis 7,755 km
Tuzla Le Gosier 7,991 km
Bugojno Trois-Rivières 7,928 km
Banja Luka Basse-Terre 7,907 km
Prijedor Trois-Rivières 7,862 km
Bugojno Saint-François 7,878 km
Cazin Port-Louis 7,759 km
Velika Kladuša Basse-Terre 7,795 km
Bijeljina Port-Louis 8,019 km
Mostar Port-Louis 7,921 km
Trebinje Trois-Rivières 8,013 km
Sarajevo Trois-Rivières 8,002 km
Tuzla Saint-François 7,970 km
Bihać Pointe-Noire 7,789 km
Prijedor Basse-Terre 7,867 km
Banja Luka Trois-Rivières 7,901 km
Zenica Basse-Terre 7,968 km
Brčko Basse-Terre 8,033 km
Travnik Port-Louis 7,902 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Guadeloupe

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Guadeloupe to China 13,979 km
From Guadeloupe to India 14,070 km
From Guadeloupe to United States 3,978 km
From Guadeloupe to Indonesia 18,160 km
From Guadeloupe to Pakistan 12,633 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Guadeloupe.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Aruba 7,913 km
New Zealand Brunei 7,905 km
Puerto Rico Czechia 7,918 km
Kenya Vietnam 7,901 km
Sweden U.S. Virgin Islands 7,900 km
Costa Rica Sierra Leone 7,897 km
Kenya China 7,894 km
Cuba Algeria 7,926 km
El Salvador Gambia 7,927 km
Puerto Rico Slovenia 7,931 km
Papua New Guinea Maldives 7,932 km
Uruguay Equatorial Guinea 7,886 km
Bulgaria North Korea 7,935 km
Netherlands Jamaica 7,937 km
Puerto Rico Austria 7,879 km

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