Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Iran

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran is 3,370 kilometers (2,094 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Iran, Asia

3,370 km

Distance between centroids

2,094 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

2,722 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Bijeljina → Pasragad Branch

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Iran Distance (kilometers)
Tuzla Ahvaz 2,995 km
Doboj Mashhad 3,599 km
Doboj Tehran 2,985 km
Bihać Mashhad 3,774 km
Tuzla Shiraz 3,402 km
Bihać Isfahan 3,359 km
Zenica Pasragad Branch 2,810 km
Velika Kladuša Pasragad Branch 2,994 km
Prijedor Tehran 3,096 km
Mostar Pasragad Branch 2,800 km
Cazin Mashhad 3,768 km
Trebinje Mashhad 3,583 km
Travnik Mashhad 3,633 km
Sarajevo Tehran 2,951 km
Banja Luka Pasragad Branch 2,878 km
Cazin Isfahan 3,357 km
Prijedor Pasragad Branch 2,920 km
Zenica Ahvaz 3,041 km
Bugojno Ahvaz 3,071 km
Mostar Mashhad 3,623 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Iran

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Iran to China 4,622 km
From Iran to India 2,830 km
From Iran to United States 11,681 km
From Iran to Indonesia 7,304 km
From Iran to Pakistan 1,505 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Nigeria Tanzania 3,373 km
Ethiopia Angola 3,366 km
Bulgaria United Arab Emirates 3,377 km
Sweden Palestinian Territory 3,363 km
Netherlands Israel 3,357 km
Slovakia Iran 3,355 km
Iran Slovakia 3,355 km
Ethiopia Gabon 3,386 km
Ethiopia Zimbabwe 3,354 km
Papua New Guinea Indonesia 3,391 km
Thailand Maldives 3,349 km
Kenya Jordan 3,392 km
Nigeria Kenya 3,393 km
Kenya Nigeria 3,393 km

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