Distance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Luxembourg

The distance between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Luxembourg is 1,096 kilometers (681 miles).

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

Luxembourg, Europe

1,096 km

Distance between centroids

874 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

880 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Velika Kladuša → Luxembourg

Distances between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Luxembourg by cities:

City in Bosnia and Herzegovina City in Luxembourg Distance (kilometers)
Doboj Luxembourg 1,055 km
Bijeljina Beaufort 1,126 km
Bihać Hagen 923 km
Zenica Differdange 1,088 km
Travnik Luxembourg 1,061 km
Banja Luka Luxembourg 994 km
Trebinje Beaufort 1,218 km
Zenica Mamer 1,086 km
Sarajevo Luxembourg 1,131 km
Cazin Hagen 918 km
Prijedor Mamer 958 km
Travnik Beaufort 1,064 km
Velika Kladuša Mamer 887 km
Tuzla Schifflange 1,107 km
Mostar Mamer 1,141 km
Velika Kladuša Luxembourg 880 km
Mostar Beaufort 1,138 km
Bugojno Luxembourg 1,060 km
Brčko Mamer 1,101 km
Bihać Beaufort 913 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Luxembourg

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Luxembourg to China 7,583 km
From Luxembourg to India 7,064 km
From Luxembourg to United States 7,714 km
From Luxembourg to Indonesia 11,345 km
From Luxembourg to Pakistan 5,617 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Luxembourg.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Bulgaria Czechia 1,101 km
Greece Austria 1,107 km
Netherlands Slovakia 1,092 km
Slovakia Netherlands 1,092 km
Slovakia Denmark 1,091 km
Bulgaria Cyprus 1,089 km
Kenya Somalia 1,085 km
Slovakia Belgium 1,118 km
Greece Cyprus 1,120 km
Greece Slovakia 1,080 km
Slovakia Greece 1,080 km
Sweden Germany 1,121 km
Nigeria Ghana 1,075 km
Bulgaria Poland 1,127 km
Bulgaria Italy 1,068 km

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