Distance from Botswana to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Botswana and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 7,369 kilometers (4,579 miles).

Botswana, Africa

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

7,369 km

Distance between centroids

6,711 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

7,086 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Maun → Sarajevo

Distances between Botswana and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Botswana City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Palapye Banja Luka 7,523 km
Maun Banja Luka 7,199 km
Lobatse Banja Luka 7,799 km
Ghanzi Velika Kladuša 7,430 km
Selebi-Phikwe Banja Luka 7,471 km
Mogoditshane Banja Luka 7,736 km
Selebi-Phikwe Velika Kladuša 7,537 km
Thamaga Zenica 7,665 km
Thamaga Sarajevo 7,622 km
Serowe Sarajevo 7,383 km
Francistown Velika Kladuša 7,443 km
Gaborone Banja Luka 7,739 km
Kanye Velika Kladuša 7,828 km
Mochudi Velika Kladuša 7,778 km
Serowe Velika Kladuša 7,564 km
Ramotswa Velika Kladuša 7,824 km
Kanye Sarajevo 7,653 km
Ghanzi Bugojno 7,293 km
Maun Sarajevo 7,086 km
Molepolole Banja Luka 7,707 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Botswana

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Botswana to China 10,548 km
From Botswana to India 7,570 km
From Botswana to United States 14,128 km
From Botswana to Indonesia 9,905 km
From Botswana to Pakistan 7,537 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Botswana and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Grenada 7,367 km
Kenya Laos 7,367 km
Iran Lesotho 7,374 km
Netherlands Bahamas 7,364 km
Slovakia Canada 7,361 km
Cuba Guinea 7,357 km
Moldova Zimbabwe 7,357 km
Nigeria Kyrgyzstan 7,354 km
Tanzania Myanmar 7,354 km
South Africa Cyprus 7,353 km
Moldova Mozambique 7,353 km
South Africa Iraq 7,390 km
Ethiopia Vietnam 7,390 km
Netherlands Dominican Republic 7,397 km
Puerto Rico Togo 7,342 km

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