Distance from Botswana to Germany

The distance between Botswana and Germany is 8,260 kilometers (5,132 miles).

Botswana, Africa

Germany, Europe

8,260 km

Distance between centroids

7,308 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

8,091 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Maun → Berlin

Distances between Botswana and Germany by cities:

City in Botswana City in Germany Distance (kilometers)
Ramotswa Berlin 8,659 km
Francistown Berlin 8,278 km
Selebi-Phikwe Hamburg 8,542 km
Lobatse Wuppertal 8,664 km
Thamaga Munich 8,183 km
Palapye Hamburg 8,591 km
Gaborone Hamburg 8,799 km
Lobatse Hamburg 8,857 km
Ghanzi Wuppertal 8,205 km
Mogoditshane Munich 8,184 km
Molepolole Wuppertal 8,572 km
Palapye Berlin 8,422 km
Serowe Wuppertal 8,380 km
Kanye Berlin 8,662 km
Serowe Berlin 8,398 km
Mahalapye Berlin 8,479 km
Selebi-Phikwe Wuppertal 8,362 km
Molepolole Hamburg 8,765 km
Maun Hamburg 8,248 km
Maun Berlin 8,091 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Botswana

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Botswana to China 10,548 km
From Botswana to India 7,570 km
From Botswana to United States 14,128 km
From Botswana to Indonesia 9,905 km
From Botswana to Pakistan 7,537 km

Other distances from Germany

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Germany to China 7,242 km
From Germany to India 6,760 km
From Germany to United States 7,882 km
From Germany to Indonesia 11,014 km
From Germany to Pakistan 5,310 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Botswana and Germany.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Slovakia South Korea 8,256 km
El Salvador Portugal 8,256 km
Puerto Rico Hungary 8,255 km
Sweden Malawi 8,254 km
Bulgaria Hong Kong 8,248 km
Sweden Haiti 8,247 km
El Salvador Mauritania 8,246 km
Bulgaria South Korea 8,276 km
Slovakia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8,276 km
Uruguay Republic of the Congo 8,279 km
Puerto Rico Slovakia 8,241 km
Slovakia Puerto Rico 8,241 km
Uruguay Eswatini 8,238 km
Puerto Rico Sao Tome and Principe 8,236 km
Netherlands Maldives 8,234 km

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