Distance from Central African Republic to South Korea

The distance between Central African Republic and South Korea is 11,078 kilometers (6,883 miles).

Central African Republic, Africa

South Korea, Asia

11,078 km

Distance between centroids

10,404 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

10,546 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Obo → Incheon

Distances between Central African Republic and South Korea by cities:

City in Central African Republic City in South Korea Distance (kilometers)
Bimbo Goyang-si 11,327 km
Bozoum Jeonju 11,441 km
Bangassou Gwangju 10,983 km
Paoua Suwon 11,308 km
Bangui Incheon 11,303 km
Mobaye Seoul 11,101 km
Bossangoa Jeonju 11,337 km
Nola Gwangju 11,663 km
Bambari Seoul 11,043 km
Bangui Busan 11,574 km
Sibut Seoul 11,183 km
Sibut Goyang-si 11,168 km
Berbérati Seoul 11,565 km
Bria Changwon 11,091 km
Nola Seoul 11,596 km
Bouar Seoul 11,461 km
Bossangoa Seoul 11,265 km
Berbérati Ulsan 11,832 km
Mbaïki Incheon 11,386 km
Mbaïki Goyang-si 11,391 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from South Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Central African Republic and South Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Kenya Guadeloupe 11,080 km
Costa Rica Republic of the Congo 11,074 km
Sweden Peru 11,089 km
Ethiopia Trinidad and Tobago 11,093 km
Uruguay Netherlands 11,097 km
Netherlands Uruguay 11,097 km
Ethiopia Grenada 11,099 km
New Zealand Mexico 11,103 km
China Namibia 11,105 km
Kenya Grenada 11,053 km
Slovakia Paraguay 11,109 km
Ethiopia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 11,049 km
Costa Rica Chad 11,047 km
Cuba Angola 11,045 km
Slovakia Peru 11,116 km

More distances from Central African Republic

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