Distance from China to British Indian Ocean Territory

The distance between China and British Indian Ocean Territory is 5,765 kilometers (3,582 miles).

China, Asia

British Indian Ocean Territory, Asia

Distances between China and British Indian Ocean Territory by cities:

City in China City in British Indian Ocean Territory Distance (kilometers)

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Other distances from China

Distance between countries Kilometers
From China to India 2,984 km
From China to United States 11,671 km
From China to Indonesia 4,181 km
From China to Pakistan 3,291 km
From China to Brazil 16,638 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between China and British Indian Ocean Territory.

From To Distance (kilometers)
El Salvador Chile 5,772 km
China Saudi Arabia 5,776 km
Greece Nepal 5,781 km
Netherlands Sao Tome and Principe 5,759 km
Greece India 5,787 km
North Macedonia Nepal 5,752 km
Moldova Liberia 5,790 km
Moldova Bhutan 5,746 km
Ethiopia Sierra Leone 5,746 km
Kenya Mauritania 5,795 km
Moldova Sierra Leone 5,742 km
Sweden Benin 5,801 km
Moldova Democratic Republic of the Congo 5,736 km
Ethiopia Netherlands 5,734 km
Netherlands Ethiopia 5,734 km

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