Distance from Democratic Republic of the Congo to Japan

The distance between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Japan is 12,642 kilometers (7,855 miles).

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Japan, Asia

12,642 km

Distance between centroids

10,596 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

11,443 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Beni → Sakai

Distances between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Japan by cities:

City in Democratic Republic of the Congo City in Japan Distance (kilometers)
Kolwezi Tokyo 12,886 km
Matadi Tokyo 13,627 km
Bukavu Chiba 12,091 km
Kinshasa Chiba 13,402 km
Kananga Sakai 12,491 km
Kinshasa Sakai 13,027 km
Kisangani Yono 12,160 km
Uvira Tokyo 12,085 km
Mwene-Ditu Yokohama 12,831 km
Likasi Tokyo 12,788 km
Kisangani Tokyo 12,171 km
Beni Sakai 11,443 km
Mbandaka Tokyo 12,801 km
Bukavu Sakai 11,691 km
Kolwezi Sakai 12,511 km
Kananga Yokohama 12,850 km
Mbuji-Mayi Chiba 12,800 km
Lubumbashi Chiba 12,803 km
Mwene-Ditu Sakai 12,467 km
Tshikapa Tokyo 13,026 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Japan

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Japan to China 3,054 km
From Japan to India 5,968 km
From Japan to United States 10,173 km
From Japan to Indonesia 4,808 km
From Japan to Pakistan 6,316 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Japan.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Uruguay New Caledonia 12,642 km
Costa Rica Rwanda 12,646 km
Papua New Guinea Zambia 12,650 km
Netherlands Micronesia 12,629 km
Papua New Guinea Burundi 12,627 km
Papua New Guinea Egypt 12,627 km
Slovakia Argentina 12,654 km
Papua New Guinea Rwanda 12,655 km
Cuba Tanzania 12,619 km
Cuba Lesotho 12,661 km
Cuba Kenya 12,666 km
Kenya Cuba 12,666 km
Costa Rica Lesotho 12,667 km
Cuba North Korea 12,674 km
Puerto Rico Tonga 12,605 km

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