Distance from Democratic Republic of the Congo to Lesotho

The distance between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Lesotho is 2,912 kilometers (1,809 miles).

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Lesotho, Africa

2,912 km

Distance between centroids

1,705 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

1,936 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Lubumbashi → Teyateyaneng

Distances between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Lesotho by cities:

City in Democratic Republic of the Congo City in Lesotho Distance (kilometers)
Mbandaka Maseru 3,394 km
Kananga Quthing 2,768 km
Matadi Teyateyaneng 2,986 km
Beni Thaba-Tseka 3,323 km
Kinshasa Teyateyaneng 3,045 km
Lubumbashi Maseru 1,955 km
Kolwezi Teyateyaneng 2,054 km
Tshikapa Teyateyaneng 2,620 km
Likasi Nako 2,066 km
Mbuji-Mayi Thaba-Tseka 2,642 km
Likasi Maseru 2,031 km
Mbandaka Teyateyaneng 3,385 km
Bukavu Thaba-Tseka 2,992 km
Matadi Maseru 2,988 km
Uvira Maseru 2,874 km
Lubumbashi Teyateyaneng 1,936 km
Tshikapa Maseru 2,630 km
Kinshasa Thaba-Tseka 3,121 km
Beni Teyateyaneng 3,285 km
Masina Leribe 3,022 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Lesotho

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Lesotho to China 10,751 km
From Lesotho to India 7,774 km
From Lesotho to United States 14,817 km
From Lesotho to Indonesia 9,554 km
From Lesotho to Pakistan 7,941 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Lesotho.

From To Distance (kilometers)
North Macedonia Chad 2,913 km
Ethiopia Iran 2,915 km
Slovakia Iceland 2,904 km
China Tajikistan 2,919 km
El Salvador Guadeloupe 2,899 km
Netherlands Cyprus 2,922 km
North Macedonia Saudi Arabia 2,922 km
Ethiopia Republic of the Congo 2,924 km
Slovakia Morocco 2,924 km
Kenya Gabon 2,929 km
New Zealand Vanuatu 2,931 km
Moldova Uzbekistan 2,934 km
Sweden Armenia 2,883 km
Bulgaria Turkmenistan 2,883 km
South Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo 2,938 km

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