Distance from Democratic Republic of the Congo to Malawi

The distance between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Malawi is 1,715 kilometers (1,065 miles).

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Malawi, Africa

1,715 km

Distance between centroids

243 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

668 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Lubumbashi → Mzimba

Distances between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Malawi by cities:

City in Democratic Republic of the Congo City in Malawi Distance (kilometers)
Likasi Lilongwe 834 km
Lubumbashi Mzimba 668 km
Bukavu Mzimba 1,165 km
Kinshasa Balaka 2,454 km
Mbuji-Mayi Mzimba 1,271 km
Masina Lilongwe 2,280 km
Likasi Nkhotakota 851 km
Mbuji-Mayi Rumphi 1,252 km
Uvira Lilongwe 1,276 km
Mwene-Ditu Balaka 1,535 km
Beni Balaka 1,814 km
Kananga Balaka 1,700 km
Kananga Blantyre 1,757 km
Kolwezi Balaka 1,133 km
Tshikapa Balaka 1,814 km
Masina Rumphi 2,164 km
Kisangani Nsanje 2,223 km
Matadi Blantyre 2,597 km
Mbandaka Lilongwe 2,309 km
Beni Mzimba 1,444 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Malawi

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Malawi to China 9,126 km
From Malawi to India 6,156 km
From Malawi to United States 14,417 km
From Malawi to Indonesia 8,873 km
From Malawi to Pakistan 6,115 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Malawi.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands North Macedonia 1,708 km
Ethiopia Saudi Arabia 1,703 km
Bulgaria Tunisia 1,701 km
Ethiopia Rwanda 1,700 km
Greece Luxembourg 1,721 km
Puerto Rico Guyana 1,697 km
Cuba Guadeloupe 1,725 km
Haiti Belize 1,727 km
Puerto Rico Colombia 1,727 km
Greece Belarus 1,692 km
Sweden Croatia 1,688 km
El Salvador Bahamas 1,732 km
Papua New Guinea Micronesia 1,687 km
Moldova Netherlands 1,735 km
Netherlands Moldova 1,735 km

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