Distance from Democratic Republic of the Congo to Nepal

The distance between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nepal is 7,568 kilometers (4,703 miles).

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Nepal, Asia

7,568 km

Distance between centroids

5,905 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,629 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Beni → Hetauda

Distances between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nepal by cities:

City in Democratic Republic of the Congo City in Nepal Distance (kilometers)
Kananga Pokhara 7,600 km
Likasi Janakpur 7,633 km
Kisangani Butaul 6,892 km
Mbandaka Madhyapur Thimi 7,769 km
Bukavu Hetauda 6,865 km
Kolwezi Madhyapur Thimi 7,727 km
Mbandaka Kathmandu 7,763 km
Kinshasa Hetauda 8,254 km
Uvira Madhyapur Thimi 6,935 km
Masina Mahendranagar 7,833 km
Lubumbashi Mahendranagar 7,228 km
Uvira Kathmandu 6,929 km
Matadi Kathmandu 8,550 km
Kananga Madhyapur Thimi 7,711 km
Kinshasa Madhyapur Thimi 8,294 km
Beni Madhyapur Thimi 6,670 km
Mwene-Ditu Pokhara 7,573 km
Bukavu Madhyapur Thimi 6,907 km
Matadi Pokhara 8,436 km
Kisangani Kathmandu 7,070 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Nepal

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Nepal to China 2,062 km
From Nepal to India 1,010 km
From Nepal to United States 12,755 km
From Nepal to Indonesia 4,531 km
From Nepal to Pakistan 1,450 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nepal.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sweden South Korea 7,568 km
Cuba France 7,558 km
Greece Mauritius 7,558 km
China Luxembourg 7,583 km
China Italy 7,584 km
Slovakia Zimbabwe 7,555 km
Netherlands French Guiana 7,555 km
Puerto Rico Germany 7,552 km
New Zealand Indonesia 7,550 km
Netherlands Zambia 7,550 km
Nigeria Martinique 7,593 km
Nigeria Saint Lucia 7,594 km
Uruguay Burkina Faso 7,597 km
Costa Rica Senegal 7,536 km
Uruguay Mauritania 7,605 km

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