Distance from Democratic Republic of the Congo to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The distance between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 9,366 kilometers (5,820 miles).

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

9,366 km

Distance between centroids

8,509 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Matadi → Georgetown

Distances between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by cities:

City in Democratic Republic of the Congo City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Distance (kilometers)
Mwene-Ditu Dovers 9,613 km
Matadi Layou 8,524 km
Masina Port Elizabeth 8,683 km
Uvira Georgetown 10,131 km
Lubumbashi Layou 10,176 km
Kisangani Chateaubelair 9,618 km
Kananga Georgetown 9,471 km
Mbandaka Layou 8,882 km
Kolwezi Layou 9,938 km
Bukavu Dovers 10,082 km
Tshikapa Biabou 9,312 km
Uvira Port Elizabeth 10,142 km
Mbuji-Mayi Layou 9,618 km
Kananga Port Elizabeth 9,479 km
Kolwezi Georgetown 9,924 km
Beni Dovers 10,077 km
Kinshasa Dovers 8,666 km
Bukavu Layou 10,093 km
Lubumbashi Georgetown 10,162 km
Mbuji-Mayi Dovers 9,605 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Nigeria Myanmar 9,366 km
Costa Rica Switzerland 9,377 km
El Salvador Algeria 9,358 km
Bulgaria United States 9,355 km
Sweden Honduras 9,355 km
Kenya Philippines 9,353 km
Uruguay Portugal 9,353 km
Papua New Guinea Mauritius 9,401 km
New Zealand Hong Kong 9,405 km
New Zealand Argentina 9,408 km
Uruguay Burundi 9,409 km
China Canada 9,410 km
China Mozambique 9,411 km
Netherlands Lesotho 9,328 km
El Salvador Burkina Faso 9,415 km

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