Distance from Democratic Republic of the Congo to Ukraine

The distance between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ukraine is 5,879 kilometers (3,653 miles).

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

Ukraine, Europe

5,879 km

Distance between centroids

4,442 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,122 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Beni → Kherson

Distances between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ukraine by cities:

City in Democratic Republic of the Congo City in Ukraine Distance (kilometers)
Tshikapa Kherson 5,992 km
Mwene-Ditu Kharkiv 6,434 km
Kolwezi Kherson 6,392 km
Mbuji-Mayi Sumy 6,413 km
Beni Sumy 5,612 km
Likasi Zaporizhzhya 6,569 km
Kinshasa Kherson 5,897 km
Matadi Kyiv 6,450 km
Bukavu Sumy 5,946 km
Lubumbashi Sumy 6,969 km
Bukavu Kherson 5,455 km
Kisangani Kryvyy Rih 5,310 km
Kananga Kharkiv 6,333 km
Uvira Kherson 5,553 km
Kolwezi Kyiv 6,794 km
Matadi Kharkiv 6,564 km
Mbandaka Kyiv 5,706 km
Tshikapa Kyiv 6,370 km
Uvira Kyiv 5,968 km
Kananga Kherson 5,906 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Ukraine

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Ukraine to China 5,961 km
From Ukraine to India 5,241 km
From Ukraine to United States 9,181 km
From Ukraine to Indonesia 9,539 km
From Ukraine to Pakistan 3,792 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ukraine.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Ethiopia Denmark 5,881 km
Sweden Cameroon 5,877 km
Kenya Kyrgyzstan 5,884 km
Uruguay Dominican Republic 5,876 km
Sweden Gambia 5,875 km
Ethiopia Portugal 5,873 km
Netherlands Republic of the Congo 5,887 km
Ethiopia Western Sahara 5,894 km
Netherlands Gabon 5,897 km
Kenya Morocco 5,897 km
North Macedonia Angola 5,861 km
New Zealand Micronesia 5,902 km
Slovakia Nepal 5,855 km
Sweden Togo 5,906 km
Slovakia Burundi 5,850 km

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