Distance from Egypt to Germany

The distance between Egypt and Germany is 3,203 kilometers (1,990 miles).

Egypt, Africa

Germany, Europe

3,203 km

Distance between centroids

2,049 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

2,528 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Mehalla el Kobra → Munich

Distances between Egypt and Germany by cities:

City in Egypt City in Germany Distance (kilometers)
Tanda Bochum 3,017 km
Alexandria Hamburg 2,953 km
Alexandria Berlin 2,722 km
Suez Berlin 2,953 km
Hurghada Wuppertal 3,482 km
Giza Munich 2,618 km
Shedit Bochum 3,146 km
Sohag Berlin 3,263 km
Luxor Hamburg 3,618 km
Qena Berlin 3,343 km
Sohag Bochum 3,451 km
Mehalla el Kobra Munich 2,528 km
Suez Wuppertal 3,161 km
Mehalla el Kobra Hamburg 3,031 km
Shedit Wuppertal 3,133 km
Aswan Essen 3,757 km
Cairo Wuppertal 3,084 km
Siut Bochum 3,366 km
Cairo Bochum 3,097 km
Mansurah Wuppertal 3,002 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Egypt

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Egypt to China 6,896 km
From Egypt to India 4,931 km
From Egypt to United States 10,997 km
From Egypt to Indonesia 9,371 km
From Egypt to Pakistan 3,773 km

Other distances from Germany

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Germany to China 7,242 km
From Germany to India 6,760 km
From Germany to United States 7,882 km
From Germany to Indonesia 11,014 km
From Germany to Pakistan 5,310 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Egypt and Germany.

From To Distance (kilometers)
North Macedonia Turkmenistan 3,203 km
South Sudan Benin 3,206 km
Slovakia Kuwait 3,194 km
Bulgaria Uzbekistan 3,211 km
Iran Montenegro 3,212 km
Kenya Bahrain 3,181 km
Sweden Lebanon 3,179 km
Sweden Syria 3,177 km
El Salvador Barbados 3,177 km
Haiti Mexico 3,177 km
Netherlands Lebanon 3,175 km
Iran Sudan 3,227 km
Puerto Rico Peru 3,170 km
North Macedonia Bahrain 3,168 km
Moldova Qatar 3,166 km

More distances from Egypt

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