Distance from Equatorial Guinea to Libya

The distance between Equatorial Guinea and Libya is 2,831 kilometers (1,759 miles).

Equatorial Guinea, Africa

Libya, Africa

2,831 km

Distance between centroids

2,259 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

3,149 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Rebola → Bani Walid

Distances between Equatorial Guinea and Libya by cities:

City in Equatorial Guinea City in Libya Distance (kilometers)
Luba Bani Walid 3,183 km
Mongomo Zawiya 3,448 km
Nsok Bani Walid 3,401 km
Evinayong Tripoli 3,492 km
Aconibe Benghazi 3,543 km
Malabo Zawiya 3,236 km
Cogo Bani Walid 3,424 km
Mongomo Bani Walid 3,345 km
Rebola Bani Walid 3,149 km
Ebebiyin Tripoli 3,408 km
Moca Tripoli 3,305 km
Bata Bani Walid 3,337 km
San Antonio de Palé Benghazi 4,010 km
Mikomeseng Tripoli 3,415 km
Añisoc Zawiya 3,425 km
Ebebiyin Sirte 3,263 km
Malabo Tripoli 3,257 km
Luba Benghazi 3,393 km
Añisoc Benghazi 3,487 km
Mbini Tripoli 3,485 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Equatorial Guinea

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Equatorial Guinea to China 10,261 km
From Equatorial Guinea to India 7,735 km
From Equatorial Guinea to United States 11,313 km
From Equatorial Guinea to Indonesia 11,540 km
From Equatorial Guinea to Pakistan 6,980 km

Other distances from Libya

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Libya to China 8,093 km
From Libya to India 6,282 km
From Libya to United States 10,097 km
From Libya to Indonesia 10,722 km
From Libya to Pakistan 5,085 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Equatorial Guinea and Libya.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Iran India 2,830 km
Ethiopia Zambia 2,832 km
Nigeria Western Sahara 2,838 km
Bulgaria Portugal 2,838 km
Papua New Guinea New Caledonia 2,839 km
Estonia Syria 2,840 km
South Sudan Sao Tome and Principe 2,840 km
Ethiopia Syria 2,845 km
Tanzania Yemen 2,852 km
Kenya Botswana 2,854 km
South Sudan Palestinian Territory 2,806 km
China Russia 2,855 km
Estonia Spain 2,857 km
South Sudan Mozambique 2,863 km
Moldova Kazakhstan 2,863 km

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