Distance from Equatorial Guinea to South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

The distance between Equatorial Guinea and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is 7,552 kilometers (4,693 miles).

Equatorial Guinea, Africa

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctic

7,552 km

Distance between centroids

7,004 km

Shortest distance between major cities

San Antonio de Palé → Grytviken

Distances between Equatorial Guinea and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands by cities:

City in Equatorial Guinea City in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Distance (kilometers)
Moca Grytviken 7,623 km
Mikomeseng Grytviken 7,603 km
Malabo Grytviken 7,671 km
Mongomo Grytviken 7,590 km
Cogo Grytviken 7,453 km
Aconibe Grytviken 7,538 km
Bata Grytviken 7,533 km
Rebola Grytviken 7,669 km
San Antonio de Palé Grytviken 7,004 km
Nsok Grytviken 7,539 km
Ebebiyin Grytviken 7,642 km
Añisoc Grytviken 7,585 km
Luba Grytviken 7,630 km
Evinayong Grytviken 7,532 km
Mbini Grytviken 7,498 km

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Other distances from Equatorial Guinea

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Equatorial Guinea to China 10,261 km
From Equatorial Guinea to India 7,735 km
From Equatorial Guinea to United States 11,313 km
From Equatorial Guinea to Indonesia 11,540 km
From Equatorial Guinea to Pakistan 6,980 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Equatorial Guinea and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Zambia 7,550 km
New Zealand Indonesia 7,550 km
Puerto Rico Germany 7,552 km
Netherlands French Guiana 7,555 km
Slovakia Zimbabwe 7,555 km
Greece Mauritius 7,558 km
Cuba France 7,558 km
Costa Rica Senegal 7,536 km
Sweden South Korea 7,568 km
Greece Reunion 7,532 km
Kenya Cambodia 7,532 km
Uruguay Togo 7,528 km
Netherlands United States 7,525 km
Haiti Burkina Faso 7,575 km
Netherlands Haiti 7,522 km

More distances from Equatorial Guinea

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