Distance from French Guiana to Germany

The distance between French Guiana and Germany is 7,850 kilometers (4,878 miles).

French Guiana, South America

Germany, Europe

7,850 km

Distance between centroids

7,470 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Sinnamary → Köln

Distances between French Guiana and Germany by cities:

City in French Guiana City in Germany Distance (kilometers)
Matoury Berlin 7,955 km
Macouria Berlin 7,953 km
Grand-Santi Wuppertal 7,688 km
Rémire-Montjoly Bochum 7,506 km
Apatou Wuppertal 7,607 km
Saint-Georges Wuppertal 7,555 km
Mana Berlin 7,977 km
Roura Berlin 7,966 km
Roura Hamburg 7,785 km
Kourou Wuppertal 7,495 km
Maripasoula Berlin 8,175 km
Iracoubo Berlin 7,957 km
Grand-Santi Berlin 8,141 km
Camopi Bochum 7,668 km
Iracoubo Wuppertal 7,503 km
Macouria Leipzig 7,847 km
Cayenne Wuppertal 7,495 km
Apatou Bochum 7,620 km
Cayenne Hamburg 7,766 km
Sinnamary Wuppertal 7,496 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from French Guiana

Distance between countries Kilometers
From French Guiana to China 15,011 km
From French Guiana to India 14,137 km
From French Guiana to United States 5,683 km
From French Guiana to Indonesia 18,554 km
From French Guiana to Pakistan 12,834 km

Other distances from Germany

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Germany to China 7,242 km
From Germany to India 6,760 km
From Germany to United States 7,882 km
From Germany to Indonesia 11,014 km
From Germany to Pakistan 5,310 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between French Guiana and Germany.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Niger 7,850 km
Uruguay Botswana 7,854 km
Costa Rica Iceland 7,854 km
Uruguay Gabon 7,854 km
Slovakia Laos 7,856 km
Netherlands Guyana 7,843 km
Costa Rica Mauritania 7,857 km
Sweden Guadeloupe 7,869 km
Costa Rica French Polynesia 7,828 km
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles 7,876 km
Netherlands Curacao 7,876 km
Cuba Ivory Coast 7,877 km
Uruguay Angola 7,823 km
Slovakia Botswana 7,879 km
Cuba Denmark 7,879 km

More distances from French Guiana

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