Distance from French Southern Territories to South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

The distance between French Southern Territories and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is 6,602 kilometers (4,102 miles).

French Southern Territories, Antarctic

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctic

6,602 km

Distance between centroids

6,645 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Port-aux-Français → Grytviken

Distances between French Southern Territories and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands by cities:

City in French Southern Territories City in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Distance (kilometers)
Port-aux-Français Grytviken 6,645 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between French Southern Territories and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Kenya Estonia 6,598 km
Puerto Rico Mali 6,598 km
Ethiopia Thailand 6,598 km
Moldova Sri Lanka 6,596 km
Nigeria Afghanistan 6,604 km
Cuba Western Sahara 6,605 km
Netherlands Mongolia 6,591 km
Greece Bangladesh 6,584 km
China Bulgaria 6,583 km
Bulgaria China 6,583 km
Haiti Sierra Leone 6,617 km
Bulgaria Sri Lanka 6,617 km
Haiti Morocco 6,619 km
Haiti Ireland 6,620 km
Sweden Uganda 6,621 km

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