Distance from Gabon to North Korea

The distance between Gabon and North Korea is 12,240 kilometers (7,605 miles).

Gabon, Africa

North Korea, Asia

12,240 km

Distance between centroids

11,617 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

11,905 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Makokou → Anju

Distances between Gabon and North Korea by cities:

City in Gabon City in North Korea Distance (kilometers)
Libreville Anju 12,199 km
Lastoursville Pyongyang 12,044 km
Mouila Chongjin 12,497 km
Lambaréné Anju 12,216 km
Lambaréné Chongjin 12,469 km
Port-Gentil Anju 12,337 km
Gamba Songnim 12,403 km
Oyem Pyongyang 11,961 km
Tchibanga Pyongyang 12,343 km
Makokou Chongjin 12,164 km
Libreville Pyongyang 12,226 km
Ntoum Songnim 12,201 km
Moanda Pyongyang 12,057 km
Koulamoutou Wi-ju 11,946 km
Moanda Anju 12,035 km
Franceville Anju 12,007 km
Bitam Pyongyang 11,932 km
Oyem Anju 11,934 km
Port-Gentil Chongjin 12,584 km
Mounana Pyongyang 12,049 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Gabon

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Gabon to China 10,299 km
From Gabon to India 7,697 km
From Gabon to United States 11,599 km
From Gabon to Indonesia 11,388 km
From Gabon to Pakistan 7,009 km

Other distances from North Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From North Korea to China 2,098 km
From North Korea to India 5,073 km
From North Korea to United States 10,367 km
From North Korea to Indonesia 4,759 km
From North Korea to Pakistan 5,305 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Gabon and North Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica Syria 12,240 km
Netherlands Chile 12,243 km
New Zealand Brazil 12,237 km
Papua New Guinea Estonia 12,249 km
Nigeria Philippines 12,249 km
Uruguay Yemen 12,251 km
El Salvador Israel 12,229 km
Greece Argentina 12,224 km
Puerto Rico Somalia 12,221 km
Costa Rica Jordan 12,219 km
Haiti Eswatini 12,263 km
Papua New Guinea Belarus 12,264 km
Uruguay Turkey 12,271 km
El Salvador Palestinian Territory 12,208 km
Haiti Malawi 12,207 km

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