Distance from Gabon to South Korea

The distance between Gabon and South Korea is 12,399 kilometers (7,705 miles).

Gabon, Africa

South Korea, Asia

12,399 km

Distance between centroids

11,839 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

12,062 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Makokou → Goyang-si

Distances between Gabon and South Korea by cities:

City in Gabon City in South Korea Distance (kilometers)
Port-Gentil Goyang-si 12,500 km
Tchibanga Seoul 12,487 km
Mouila Busan 12,655 km
Lastoursville Seoul 12,189 km
Ntoum Goyang-si 12,337 km
Franceville Goyang-si 12,157 km
Moanda Goyang-si 12,186 km
Makokou Goyang-si 12,062 km
Lambaréné Goyang-si 12,376 km
Koulamoutou Suwon 12,243 km
Bitam Incheon 12,065 km
Makokou Busan 12,330 km
Mounana Suwon 12,203 km
Mounana Seoul 12,193 km
Lambaréné Busan 12,646 km
Koulamoutou Goyang-si 12,218 km
Tchibanga Busan 12,733 km
Bitam Seoul 12,084 km
Lastoursville Goyang-si 12,174 km
Libreville Seoul 12,378 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Gabon

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Gabon to China 10,299 km
From Gabon to India 7,697 km
From Gabon to United States 11,599 km
From Gabon to Indonesia 11,388 km
From Gabon to Pakistan 7,009 km

Other distances from South Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Gabon and South Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica Armenia 12,392 km
Iran Venezuela 12,387 km
El Salvador Armenia 12,385 km
Uruguay Ukraine 12,419 km
Uruguay Latvia 12,424 km
Uruguay Syria 12,375 km
Puerto Rico Oman 12,373 km
North Macedonia Argentina 12,373 km
Cuba Mongolia 12,429 km
Uruguay Saudi Arabia 12,370 km
El Salvador Jordan 12,369 km
Cuba Bahrain 12,369 km
Iran Jamaica 12,368 km
Papua New Guinea Uganda 12,432 km
Thailand Guinea-Bissau 12,365 km

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