Distance from Gambia to Democratic Republic of the Congo

The distance between Gambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo is 4,529 kilometers (2,814 miles).

Gambia, Africa

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

4,529 km

Distance between centroids

3,570 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

3,827 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Madina → Matadi

Distances between Gambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Gambia City in Democratic Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Sukuta Lubumbashi 5,611 km
Sukuta Kinshasa 4,046 km
Saba Uvira 5,330 km
Barra Lubumbashi 5,600 km
Perai Lubumbashi 5,355 km
Perai Uvira 5,117 km
Farafenni Kinshasa 3,948 km
Soma Uvira 5,274 km
Bakau Lubumbashi 5,612 km
Denton Lubumbashi 5,447 km
Brikama Uvira 5,384 km
Madina Uvira 5,247 km
Madina Tshikapa 4,528 km
Georgetown Kinshasa 3,866 km
Lamin Uvira 5,364 km
Madina Matadi 3,827 km
Lamin Matadi 3,928 km
Banjul Lubumbashi 5,601 km
Denton Kinshasa 3,880 km
Soma Likasi 5,393 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Gambia

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Gambia to China 11,646 km
From Gambia to India 9,932 km
From Gambia to United States 8,278 km
From Gambia to Indonesia 14,269 km
From Gambia to Pakistan 8,764 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Gambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Senegal 4,529 km
Puerto Rico Cabo Verde 4,528 km
Nigeria Comoros 4,532 km
Papua New Guinea Vietnam 4,540 km
Papua New Guinea Singapore 4,540 km
Sweden Bahrain 4,517 km
Sweden Saudi Arabia 4,517 km
Slovakia Yemen 4,515 km
Papua New Guinea Hong Kong 4,546 km
Netherlands Uzbekistan 4,549 km
Uruguay Colombia 4,549 km
Slovakia Nigeria 4,508 km
Nigeria Slovakia 4,508 km
Cuba Canada 4,506 km
Kenya Azerbaijan 4,555 km

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