Distance from Greece to South Korea

The distance between Greece and South Korea is 8,765 kilometers (5,446 miles).

Greece, Europe

South Korea, Asia

8,765 km

Distance between centroids

8,032 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

8,181 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Alexandroupoli → Goyang-si

Distances between Greece and South Korea by cities:

City in Greece City in South Korea Distance (kilometers)
Kalamata Seoul 8,713 km
Néa Ionía Seoul 8,530 km
Serra Busan 8,658 km
Néa Ionía Goyang-si 8,514 km
Solun Goyang-si 8,394 km
Kalamariá Seoul 8,413 km
Rethymno Seoul 8,659 km
Volos Goyang-si 8,480 km
Volos Incheon 8,486 km
Athens Busan 8,850 km
Piraeus Goyang-si 8,528 km
Kalamariá Goyang-si 8,397 km
Alexandroupoli Seoul 8,197 km
Piraeus Ulsan 8,848 km
Lárisa Goyang-si 8,497 km
Alexandroupoli Goyang-si 8,181 km
Kalamata Goyang-si 8,697 km
Níkaia Goyang-si 8,526 km
Néa Ionía Goyang-si 8,480 km
Néa Ionía Seoul 8,496 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Greece

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Greece to China 7,030 km
From Greece to India 5,787 km
From Greece to United States 9,431 km
From Greece to Indonesia 10,248 km
From Greece to Pakistan 4,407 km

Other distances from South Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Greece and South Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Papua New Guinea Kyrgyzstan 8,764 km
Netherlands Laos 8,765 km
Uruguay United States 8,753 km
Uruguay Morocco 8,767 km
Cuba Slovakia 8,768 km
Slovakia Cuba 8,768 km
Uruguay Niger 8,769 km
Cuba Latvia 8,750 km
Netherlands Belize 8,771 km
Netherlands South Korea 8,772 km
Cuba Lithuania 8,779 km
Bulgaria Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8,781 km
Sweden Suriname 8,783 km
Bulgaria French Guiana 8,785 km
Sweden Aruba 8,732 km

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