Distance from Greenland to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Greenland and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 4,413 kilometers (2,742 miles).

Greenland, America

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

4,413 km

Distance between centroids

3,475 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

3,925 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Tasiilaq → Cazin

Distances between Greenland and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Greenland City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Paamiut Banja Luka 4,590 km
Nuuk Cazin 4,586 km
Sisimiut Sarajevo 4,858 km
Paamiut Sarajevo 4,729 km
Narsaq Cazin 4,329 km
Nuuk Velika Kladuša 4,560 km
Upernavik Velika Kladuša 4,691 km
Tasiilaq Cazin 3,925 km
Narsaq Banja Luka 4,412 km
Aasiaat Sarajevo 4,809 km
Qeqertarsuaq Sarajevo 4,833 km
Uummannaq Velika Kladuša 4,548 km
Sisimiut Banja Luka 4,721 km
Qasigiannguit Cazin 4,536 km
Ilulissat Bugojno 4,680 km
Tasiilaq Banja Luka 3,999 km
Qasigiannguit Velika Kladuša 4,510 km
Qaqortoq Sarajevo 4,552 km
Maniitsoq Cazin 4,628 km
Maniitsoq Travnik 4,775 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Greenland

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Greenland to China 7,794 km
From Greenland to India 8,865 km
From Greenland to United States 4,869 km
From Greenland to Indonesia 11,957 km
From Greenland to Pakistan 7,547 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Greenland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
North Macedonia Pakistan 4,409 km
Kenya Ghana 4,408 km
Greece Pakistan 4,407 km
Costa Rica Brazil 4,403 km
Slovakia Oman 4,399 km
Greece Republic of the Congo 4,395 km
Ethiopia Moldova 4,394 km
Moldova Ethiopia 4,394 km
Moldova Mali 4,434 km
Nigeria Yemen 4,386 km
Ethiopia Sri Lanka 4,435 km
Ethiopia Ukraine 4,436 km
Greece Ivory Coast 4,439 km
Ethiopia Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,441 km
Netherlands Iran 4,443 km

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