Distance from Guinea to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The distance between Guinea and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 5,630 kilometers (3,499 miles).

Guinea, Africa

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

5,630 km

Distance between centroids

5,186 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Camayenne → Georgetown

Distances between Guinea and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by cities:

City in Guinea City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Distance (kilometers)
Pita Georgetown 5,300 km
Macenta Georgetown 5,661 km
Siguiri Georgetown 5,644 km
Pita Port Elizabeth 5,315 km
Siguiri Port Elizabeth 5,659 km
Coyah Georgetown 5,215 km
Fria Dovers 5,192 km
Nzérékoré Layou 5,764 km
Coyah Layou 5,232 km
Kankan Chateaubelair 5,659 km
Mamou Georgetown 5,344 km
Gueckedou Layou 5,605 km
Kissidougou Port Elizabeth 5,594 km
Labé Port Elizabeth 5,323 km
Labé Georgetown 5,309 km
Mamou Biabou 5,347 km
Gueckedou Dovers 5,596 km
Fria Layou 5,200 km
Camayenne Layou 5,202 km
Macenta Port Elizabeth 5,674 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Guinea

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Guinea to China 11,448 km
From Guinea to India 9,494 km
From Guinea to United States 9,001 km
From Guinea to Indonesia 13,715 km
From Guinea to Pakistan 8,414 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Guinea and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Moldova Burundi 5,628 km
Moldova Sao Tome and Principe 5,642 km
Ethiopia Estonia 5,642 km
Netherlands Equatorial Guinea 5,615 km
Ethiopia Bhutan 5,612 km
Ethiopia Belgium 5,654 km
Iran Morocco 5,655 km
Moldova Guinea-Bissau 5,657 km
Ethiopia Mauritania 5,658 km
China Micronesia 5,661 km
Nigeria Estonia 5,666 km
Netherlands Pakistan 5,669 km
Kenya Sierra Leone 5,589 km
Slovakia Kenya 5,673 km
Kenya Slovakia 5,673 km

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