Distance from Heard Island and McDonald Islands to Republic of the Congo

The distance between Heard Island and McDonald Islands and Republic of the Congo is 7,896 kilometers (4,906 miles).

Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Antarctic

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Distances between Heard Island and McDonald Islands and Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Heard Island and McDonald Islands City in Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)

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Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Heard Island and McDonald Islands and Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sweden U.S. Virgin Islands 7,900 km
Kenya Vietnam 7,901 km
Costa Rica Sierra Leone 7,897 km
New Zealand Brunei 7,905 km
Kenya China 7,894 km
Sweden Angola 7,908 km
Netherlands Aruba 7,913 km
Uruguay Equatorial Guinea 7,886 km
Puerto Rico Czechia 7,918 km
Puerto Rico Austria 7,879 km
Cuba Denmark 7,879 km
Cuba Ivory Coast 7,877 km
Netherlands Curacao 7,876 km
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles 7,876 km
Cuba Algeria 7,926 km

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