Distance from Ireland to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 2,165 kilometers (1,345 miles).

Ireland, Europe

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

2,165 km

Distance between centroids

1,818 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

1,833 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Dublin → Velika Kladuša

Distances between Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Ireland City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Beaumont Velika Kladuša 1,833 km
Dublin Sarajevo 2,084 km
Cork Cazin 1,952 km
Newmarket Velika Kladuša 1,974 km
Boston Zenica 2,191 km
Newcastle Cazin 1,870 km
Tallaght Prijedor 1,909 km
Newport Travnik 2,131 km
Waterford Velika Kladuša 1,850 km
Swords Banja Luka 1,950 km
Newport Prijedor 2,130 km
Drogheda Sarajevo 2,105 km
Newport Cazin 1,971 km
Gaillimh Tuzla 2,233 km
Beaumont Cazin 1,857 km
Boston Banja Luka 2,108 km
Waterford Sarajevo 2,101 km
Newcastle Velika Kladuša 1,847 km
Luimneach Travnik 2,143 km
Gaillimh Sarajevo 2,259 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Ireland

Distance between countries Kilometers
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From Ireland to India 8,013 km
From Ireland to United States 6,650 km
From Ireland to Indonesia 12,144 km
From Ireland to Pakistan 6,562 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
El Salvador Netherlands Antilles 2,158 km
Puerto Rico French Guiana 2,156 km
El Salvador Curacao 2,167 km
Ethiopia Central African Republic 2,174 km
Ethiopia Oman 2,146 km
Ethiopia Bahrain 2,145 km
Cuba Barbados 2,144 km
Greece Estonia 2,183 km
Cuba Trinidad and Tobago 2,136 km
Bulgaria Finland 2,135 km
Papua New Guinea Guam 2,187 km
Greece Spain 2,189 km
Haiti Guyana 2,131 km
Ethiopia United Arab Emirates 2,126 km
China South Korea 2,123 km

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