Distance from Ireland to Democratic Republic of the Congo

The distance between Ireland and Democratic Republic of the Congo is 6,957 kilometers (4,323 miles).

Ireland, Europe

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

6,957 km

Distance between centroids

5,766 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,342 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Newport → Mbandaka

Distances between Ireland and Democratic Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Ireland City in Democratic Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Newport Mbandaka 6,342 km
Beaumont Uvira 7,104 km
Boston Lubumbashi 7,962 km
Dublin Uvira 7,100 km
Newport Bukavu 7,186 km
Luimneach Mbandaka 6,346 km
Newcastle Uvira 7,108 km
Newmarket Kinshasa 6,674 km
Newport Lubumbashi 8,062 km
Cork Matadi 6,729 km
Rialto Uvira 7,102 km
Gaillimh Kisangani 6,647 km
Boston Mbuji-Mayi 7,236 km
Gaillimh Kinshasa 6,779 km
Swords Kinshasa 6,714 km
Waterford Uvira 7,047 km
Drogheda Kinshasa 6,744 km
Waterford Kinshasa 6,619 km
Luimneach Matadi 6,811 km
Newmarket Uvira 7,131 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Ireland

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Ireland to China 8,180 km
From Ireland to India 8,013 km
From Ireland to United States 6,650 km
From Ireland to Indonesia 12,144 km
From Ireland to Pakistan 6,562 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Ireland and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Haiti United Kingdom 6,958 km
El Salvador Cabo Verde 6,957 km
Sweden Rwanda 6,952 km
Kenya Finland 6,948 km
Puerto Rico France 6,946 km
Iran Eswatini 6,936 km
Puerto Rico Burkina Faso 6,984 km
China Czechia 6,985 km
China Kosovo 6,934 km
South Africa Israel 6,934 km
Haiti Liberia 6,932 km
Thailand Cyprus 6,988 km
Iran Guinea 6,931 km
Puerto Rico Algeria 6,990 km
Netherlands Guadeloupe 6,991 km

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