Distance from Ireland to Republic of the Congo

The distance between Ireland and Republic of the Congo is 6,349 kilometers (3,945 miles).

Ireland, Europe

Republic of the Congo, Africa

6,349 km

Distance between centroids

5,816 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,179 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Cork → Makoua

Distances between Ireland and Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Ireland City in Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Newcastle Djambala 6,499 km
Newport Madingou 6,783 km
Beaumont Djambala 6,500 km
Dublin Brazzaville 6,694 km
Newmarket Brazzaville 6,667 km
Rialto Djambala 6,497 km
Boston Dolisie 6,659 km
Newport Pointe-Noire 6,801 km
Tallaght Pointe-Noire 6,658 km
Gaillimh Kayes 6,705 km
Luimneach Mossendjo 6,481 km
Newport Mossendjo 6,479 km
Waterford Brazzaville 6,612 km
Newcastle Makoua 6,253 km
Swords Pointe-Noire 6,673 km
Luimneach Makoua 6,258 km
Rialto Loandjili 6,659 km
Gaillimh Brazzaville 6,772 km
Cork Brazzaville 6,618 km
Boston Pointe-Noire 6,698 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Ireland

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Ireland to China 8,180 km
From Ireland to India 8,013 km
From Ireland to United States 6,650 km
From Ireland to Indonesia 12,144 km
From Ireland to Pakistan 6,562 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Ireland and Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
El Salvador Argentina 6,352 km
Uruguay Cabo Verde 6,346 km
North Macedonia Comoros 6,342 km
South Africa Gambia 6,362 km
Cuba Chile 6,364 km
China Israel 6,333 km
Greece Bhutan 6,368 km
Bulgaria Comoros 6,331 km
Puerto Rico Liberia 6,328 km
North Macedonia Bhutan 6,326 km
South Africa Libya 6,325 km
Kenya Bhutan 6,378 km
Haiti Mauritania 6,384 km
Slovakia Bhutan 6,384 km
Puerto Rico Ireland 6,315 km

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