Distance from Jamaica to South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

The distance between Jamaica and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is 8,920 kilometers (5,543 miles).

Jamaica, America

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctic

8,920 km

Distance between centroids

8,855 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Bath → Grytviken

Distances between Jamaica and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands by cities:

City in Jamaica City in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Distance (kilometers)
Wakefield Grytviken 8,959 km
Mandeville Grytviken 8,912 km
Portmore Grytviken 8,877 km
Montego Bay Grytviken 8,973 km
Islington Grytviken 8,912 km
Richmond Grytviken 8,908 km
Spanish Town Grytviken 8,884 km
Cambridge Grytviken 8,956 km
New Kingston Grytviken 8,879 km
Bluefields Grytviken 8,946 km
Alexandria Grytviken 8,933 km
Kingston Grytviken 8,878 km
Santa Cruz Grytviken 8,921 km
Bath Grytviken 8,855 km
Nain Grytviken 8,908 km

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Other distances from Jamaica

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Jamaica to China 14,029 km
From Jamaica to India 15,008 km
From Jamaica to United States 2,769 km
From Jamaica to Indonesia 17,738 km
From Jamaica to Pakistan 13,567 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Jamaica and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Nicaragua 8,924 km
Costa Rica France 8,925 km
Cuba French Polynesia 8,930 km
Bulgaria Japan 8,931 km
Slovakia Netherlands Antilles 8,908 km
Slovakia Curacao 8,908 km
Moldova Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8,933 km
Papua New Guinea Pakistan 8,907 km
Moldova Puerto Rico 8,902 km
Puerto Rico Moldova 8,902 km
Cuba Niger 8,900 km
Netherlands Colombia 8,898 km
Bulgaria Trinidad and Tobago 8,945 km
New Zealand Malaysia 8,894 km
Slovakia Aruba 8,950 km

More distances from Jamaica

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